Payment Gateway Integration Guide

Integrating your website with Egateway is easy. First check if your ecommerce solution comes pre-built to support E-gateway and if not, use the following instructions to integrate into your website.

E-Gateway supports two different methods of accepting payment. The first method is via a ‘form’ which enables you to integrate E-Gateway into an ecommerce website with a shopping cart.
To integrate the system into your website, simply copy the following code to your checkout page:

<form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="MerchantID" value="MERCHANT ID GOES HERE">
<input type="hidden" name="FromIdentifier" value="COMMENTS">
<input type="hidden" name="TotalAmount" value="amount of transaction in numeric value. eg. 50.45">
<input type="hidden" name="SuccessURL" value="Website address for payment complete page on your site">
<input type="hidden" name="InvoiceNumber" value="Invoice / Order Number">
<input type="hidden" name="Name" value="Customer Name (optional)">
<input type="hidden" name="Email" value="Customer Email Address (optional)">
<input type="submit" value="Pay Now">

Please note that the yellow highlighted sections will need to contain the values for the specific payment. If you require assistance integrating into your specific site, please email [email protected] or call us on (07) 55632388

Form Fields
MerchantID – This is the code used by E-Gateway to identify your merchant account.
If you want to use our test account, please use merchEgatewayTest as your merchant id.

FromIdentifier – This can be used to pass information about the transaction to E-Gateway. For example, you may have multiple websites using your E-Gateway account. You could put the website name in this field so you can identify where the payments are coming from

TotalAmount – This is the numeric value for the total amount to be charged. For example if the amount to be charged is $50.99 then the numeric value would be 50.99

SuccessURL – This is the website address to return to on your website after the payment has been accepted by E-Gateway

InvoiceNumber – This is an optional order or invoice number you can specify for the transaction

Name – This optional field allows you to specify the customers name. If it is not specified, the customer can simply enter their name on the E-Gateway page.

Email – This optional field allows you to specify the customers email address. If it is not specified, the customer can simply enter their email address on the E-Gateway page.

To view payments and access your E-Gateway account, you need to login at (click on ‘merchant login’).
Once logged in, you will notice a menu to the left. Details on these menu options are listed below..

Your account
This menu item takes you to the details of your account. Here you can modify the following settings for your E-Gateway account:

Email – This is your account email address. This is used not only as the login name but also for any alerts sent by E-Gateway and any correspondence from Mantis Technologies (the administrators of E-Gateway). Please remember that if you change your email address here, you will need to use the new email address as your login name.
Password – This is the password used to login to your E-Gateway account.
Address – Your postal address.
Currency – Your ‘native’ currency. This is the currency used by the E-Gateway payment page.
Send confirmation email – Select yes or no to specify if you would like E-Gateway to send a confirmation email to the customer after they have made a payment.
Confirmation email body statement – Here you can specify what you want to say in the confirmation email to your customers. We have put a standard statement here but feel free to change it.
Payment page comments – This allows you to add extra information or comments to the payment page. Customers will see these comments when they arrive at the E-Gateway payment page.
Payment methods accepted – Simply select which credit cards you can accept.
Hide customers email address – If you select ‘yes’ to this then the customers email address will be hidden from the payment page (it will show up in the transactions though)
Customer name and email read only – If you select ‘yes’ to this then the customer will not be able to modify the name and email address shown on the payment page. You must ensure that these are passed through the form though.
The standard payments section of E-Gateway relates to the first method of accepting payments outlined earlier in this documentation. When someone makes a payment from your website you will be notified via email that a payment has been received through the system. If it is made using the ‘form’ method then the email will begin with the message "Order received via E-gateway payment gateway"

Search for a payment
This allows you to search for a payment made through the form method. You can enter an invoice number or customer name to search for the transaction.

When viewing a transaction, you will notice an area called ‘Security information’. This contains details on the source of the transaction.
The I.P. address is the actual internet address used by the computer that made the transaction. This can sometimes assist law enforcement with chasing up fraud.
The country code is the two or three digit country code that the transaction was made in.

The country name is the name of the country the transaction originated from. You should be suspicious of transactions where the customers address does not match the country listed here.
DNS Name is the service provider host name that the connection came from. This can sometimes assist law enforcement with chasing up fraud.

View summary list
This will show a list of all payments waiting to be processed. Simply click on ‘view details’ to view the details of the payment.

View all payments
This will display a list of all transactions (full details) on the one screen.

This is the second method of accepting payments using E-Gateway. The order form is much easier to integrate into your website and suits websites that do not have shopping cart or ecommerce facilities.
The order form is simply a link that you can put on your website for people to place orders. When arriving at your order form, they simply select a product or service from a drop down menu and then enter their payment and contact details to place the order.
When someone makes an order via this method, you will be notified via email that a payment has been received through the system. The email will begin with the message "Order received via your E-gateway secure order form"

Order form setup
Before using the order form method, you must set up your order form. This menu option takes you to a screen explaining how to do this. It also shows you the unique website address for your order form.

Order form items
Before your order form will work, you need at least one product/service.
This menu option allows you to add, edit and remove products and services which can be selected on your order form.

View orders
This will show a list of all orders waiting to be processed. Simply click on ‘view details’ to view the details of the order.
When viewing a transaction, you will notice an area called ‘Security information’. This contains details on the source of the transaction.
The I.P. address is the actual internet address used by the computer that made the transaction. This can sometimes assist law enforcement with chasing up fraud.
The country code is the two or three digit country code that the transaction was made in.

The country name is the name of the country the transaction originated from. You should be suspicious of transactions where the customers address does not match the country listed here.
DNS Name is the service provider host name that the connection came from. This can sometimes assist law enforcement with chasing up fraud.